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The Bank

Executive and Management Committees

Executive Committee (ExCo)

The Executive Committee supervises, monitors and ensures the safe, orderly, effective and efficient operation of the Bank in the implementation of the Strategy, the Business Plan and the Annual Budget, as approved by the Board of Directors (BoD).

Composition of the Executive Committee


Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Deputy Chairman:

Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


  • Chief Retail, Wealth & Digital Banking Officer 
  • Chief Financial Officer 
  • Chief Information & Technology Officer 
  • Chief Transformation & Operations Excellence Officer 
  • Chief Wholesale Banking Officer 
  • Chief Risk Officer 

Indicatively and not restrictively, the Executive Committee has, inter alia, the following responsibilities:

  • It processes the Bank’s Strategy and formulates the Business Plan proposal to the Board of Directors and any relevant Board Committees.
  • It coordinates the actions of the Bank’s Units, in the context of the implementation of the Bank’s Strategy.
  • It monitors the implementation of the Business Plan as approved by the Board of Directors, reviews deviations and takes the necessary decisions to achieve the objectives of each business area and business unit.
  • It develops the Budget guidelines, proposes the Annual Budget to the Board of Directors, as well as further required actions for its implementation.
  • It monitors and evaluates the macroenvironment, it identifies opportunities and risks, takes appropriate actions and instructs the responsible Units accordingly.
  • It supervises the effective management of the balance sheet, on the basis of the business and the risk-taking strategies.
  • It decides /or/and approves the launch of new, as well as the significant diversification of existing Bank’s products and services, as well as their pricing.
  • It ensures that risk management guidelines are incorporated into the Bank's operations and budget.
  • It approves all types of expenses, regardless of the amount, with the exception of those related to the acquisition of high-value assets, such as real estate, which are approved by the Board of Directors.
  • It approves the Bank’s investment strategy in technological infrastructure.
  • It monitors the Bank’s operation through reports from the competent Units.
  • It has approving powers on credit and write-off issues, regardless of the amount, apart from those that fall under the exclusive responsibility of the Board of Directors by its decisions, or those that are reliant to the legislative or regulatory framework in force.

Information Technology (I.T.) Steering Committee

The Information Technology (IT) Committee is the Bank’s official body that aims to define, evaluate and prioritize the implementation of IT projects and supervises them to be in line with the Bank’s overall strategy and objectives. It is also responsible for coordinating the implementation and monitoring of IT projects.

The Committee oversees the proper and efficient operation of the Bank's technological infrastructure, applications and information systems and the management of the respective operational risk.

In addition, it performs the tasks of the IT Steering Committee as determined by the provisions of the 2577/2006 Bank of Greece Governor’s Act.

Composition of the Committee


Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Deputy Chairman:

Chief Information & Technology Officer 


  • Chief Transformation & Operations Excellence Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Retail, Wealth & Digital Banking Officer 
  • Deputy General Manager Transformation & Operations Excellence 
  • Senior Director of Software Platforms & Services
  • Senior Director of Next Generation ICT Services
  • Director of Information Security

Main Responsibilities:

  • It determines the IT strategy (IT action plan) which includes the short term (duration up to one year) and the medium-long term (duration up to three years) IT plans according to the business objectives and the existing institutional environment.
  • It evaluates the proposals of technological projects within the context of the action plan and submits them for approval to the Bank’s Executive Committee. It evaluates and determines, on an annual basis or whenever necessary, the development or implementation of major IT projects, the scope and implementation parameters, determining the priorities among the projects, taking into account the Feasibility Study, the Bank's Business Plan and the IT Strategy.
  • It is responsible for the quality of the organization and management of the IT projects.
  • It examines the assignment of major IT projects to external providers and proposes accordingly to the Executive Committee.
  • It evaluates and submits for approval by the Executive Committee, hardware and software IT supplies. and submits the corresponding proposals for approval to the Executive Committee.
  • It evaluates the analysis and management of the IT systems’ related risks or/and provides information to the relevant Directorates, Committees and/or Sectors in order to be taken into account with other risks.

Asset-Liability Management Committee (ALCO)

The Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO), taking into account the Bank's Business Plan approved by the Board of Directors, the business environment, the risk limits set by the Board of Directors (through the Risk Management Committee), the applicable institutional and regulatory framework, the corporate governance rules and current conditions in the money and capital markets, formulates, approves, implements and monitors the Bank's policies on pricing, performance, structure and management of the Bank's Assets and Liabilities and determines, within its responsibilities’ framework, the market risk and liquidity limits, intervening for their review when deemed necessary.

Composition of the Committee


Chief Executive Officer

Deputy Chairman:

Deputy Chief Executive Officer


  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Risk Officer
  • Treasury Director
  • Senior Director of Global Markets
  • Chief Retail, Wealth & Digital Banking Officer 
  • Chief Wholesale Banking Officer  

Main responsibilities:

  • It defines the policy to be followed in relation to the composition, distribution and assurance of the desired liquidity levels of the balance sheet items.
  • It formulates the management framework regarding the composition, maturity and liquidity of the Bank's balance sheet.
  • It monitors the economic developments and key macroeconomic and business assumptions that influence the Bank’s policy.
  • It monitors the changes in the institutional, regulatory framework that may influence the Bank’s management policy and examines its alignment in the context of these changes, in relation to the existing liquidity policy, which it also evaluates.
  • It monitors the progress of the results, the budget, the liquidity financing plan, the capital adequacy and in general the financial figures of the Bank.
  • It approves the liquidity and interest rate risk framework and hedging liquidity and establishes the respective limits framework.
  • It reviews and determines the pricing policy of the Bank’s existing and new products and services.
  • Assesses the liquidity and interest rate stress test scenarios and their impact on Bank’s financial position.

Credit Committee

The Credit Committee approves credits within the scope of its approval limits, to all types of individuals and legal entities.

Composition of the Committee


Chief Executive Officer

  • Chief Retail, Wealth & Digital Banking Officer 
  • Chief Wholesale Banking Officer 
  • Chief Credit Officer
  • Chief Risk Officer 

Main responsibility:

The Credit Committee approves credits (for issues related to risk taking, provisions of cooperation terms, or other issues included in the Bank's Credit Policy) to all types of legal entities or individuals subject to the responsibility of the General Directorate of Wholesale Banking, and Retail Banking, per creditor or group of creditors (in the sense of the single obligor), in line with its credit approval limits determined by the Executive Committee.

Crisis Management Committee

The scope of the Crisis Management Committee (CMC) is to manage and respond to all types of events or/and incidents that qualify as a crisis, with oversight and supervision of recovery actions.

Composition of the Committee


 Deputy Chief Executive Officer

  • Chief Retail, Wealth & Digital Banking Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Information & Technology Officer
  • Chief Transformation & Operations Excellence Officer 
  • Deputy General Manager Transformation & Operations Excellence 
  • Deputy General Manager Retail, Wealth & Digital Banking
  • Senior Director of Human Resources
  • Senior Director of Compliance
  • Senior Director of Legal & Corporate Governance
  • Senior Director of Global Markets
  • Chief Risk Officer
  • Director of Information Security
  • Director of Communications & Corporate Affairs
  • Manager of Business Continuity Plan

Main Responsibilities:

  • Ensures that the Bank maintains an appropriate level of preparedness, to manage hazardous events, through appropriate mechanisms (e.g. procedures, infrastructure, testing, and training).
  • Validates the Bank’s Business Continuity Plan.
  • Oversees and manages, at a high level, the planning and the implementation of crisis response actions.
  • It may decide or confirm the decision of the Business Continuity Coordination Team (BCCT) whether or not the Bank is facing a crisis and, if so, has the authority to declare a state of emergency if required and to activate the Business Continuity Plan.
  • It takes critical decisions at executive level during a crisis.
  • A designated representative of the CMC chairs meetings with the Business Continuity Coordination Team (BCCT).
  • It contributes to the planning and establishment of the necessary infrastructure by defining the crisis management strategy and validating its objectives.
  • It validates the decisions concerning the resources allocation during crises.
  • It validates the impact analysis matrix as referred in the Business Continuity Policy.

It has the ultimate responsibility to identify as a crisis an event or/and incident, which is in doubt.

Appeals Committee

The establishment of an Appeals Committee is provided for in the applicable framework of Law 4224/2013 as revised by Decision No. 392/31.5.2021 of the Credit and Insurance Committee of the Bank of Greece (Government Gazette Vol. B, 2411/07.06.2021).

Composition of the Committee


Chief Legal & Corporate Governance Officer

  • Senior Director of Non-Performing Exposures 
  • Director of Legal Services
  • Director of NPE Serviced Portfolio